We are proud to offer telehealth services to virtually connect you with our expert staff and give you the care you need – all from the comfort of your own home. If you are feeling too sick to come into our office, or simply do not have time to schedule an in-person appointment, a telehealth visit may be right for you.
Common conditions that can be addressed via telehealth include constipation, cough, cold or flu, ear or eye pain, heartburn or acid reflux, migraines or headaches, mouth sores, rashes and other skin conditions, sinus pain or pressure, and/or a sore throat. Women’s health questions about birth control, STIs, UTIs, and yeast infections can also be discussed via telehealth.
Telehealth should not be used for emergency care. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 immediately. Only existing Foothills Community Health Care patients are eligible for telehealth visits; new patients must visit us in-office for their first appointment.
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